

    時間:2024-05-27 09:36:07 經(jīng)典短文 投訴 投稿



      如何快樂生活How to Live a Happy Life


      Very few people believe that they are truly happy, but have you ever tried to find out how to live a happy life? Here are five ideas for how to make your life happier.


      Look for the positive side of every situation. If you want to know how to live a happy life, try to look for what’s right, instead of what’s wrong.


      At the end of each day, take a moment to think about all the good things about that day. Remember anyone who smiled at you and anything that made you laugh.


      Spend time with the people you love. How often do you put off visiting someone because they are too far away, or because you have too much to do at home? Quality time with your loved ones is important for a happy life.


      Keep away from people who bring you down. It will definitely drag you down if you spend all your time with people who always complain. Surrounding yourself with positive and cheerful people will make your life happier.


      Be grateful for the little things. If a stranger holds the door open for you, smile and say "Thank You". If a friend makes you a cup of coffee, show your appreciation by not forgetting to return the favor.



      Positive thinking. I’m obviously a big proponent of positive thinking as the best way to achieve your goals, but it turns out that it can lead to happiness too. Optimism and self-esteem are some of the best indicators of people who lead happy lives. Happy people feel empowered, in control of their lives, and have a positive outlook on life. Action steps: Make positive thinking a habit. In fact, this should be one of the first habits you develop. Get into the habit of squashing all negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Instead of “I can’t” think“I can”. It may sound corny, but it has worked for me, every time.



      Someone asked me, how do you find a job, how do you apply for school, how do you get scholarship, how to make friends, how to love. So many questions, I can't answer them one by one. Maybe I'm just like you, just a traveler on the journey of life. But one thing, I won't ask, and I'll go back and find the answer myself. Wrong, afraid of what?. Because young, I have the time and time to make mistakes again, when chewing the wound, that will do better next time.

      I never believe in idols, other people's experience can only be used for reference, can not copy.

      A man came to Shenzhen with his bag on his back, and I knew I was here without anything, starting from scratch.

      My friend took me, and I took the online design company and went home. With your own work, the greatest advantage of learning design is yourself, you are the resources, you are the wealth, the wealth itself is human, not other.

      I knocked on the door of the first time without courage, not to know the depth of things. But the director looked at my picture and said it was not bad, but the company didn't have a vacancy. I need to wait. So I went to the second house in a heavy rain. If you can't find a job, you'll starve. How realistic and cruel?.

      The third companies finished drawing and immediately said they wanted me. So, I stayed.

      Friend, sometimes you have to know the world is big, but sometimes it is very small. When you are confident and brave enough, you can become a team and go forward. If you are always timid, hesitant, thinking about the pay and return, you will miss the scenery of life.

      The right thing to do is to start doing it.










      Every day of your life, it's important to take the time to "smell the roses around you" -- stop and savor the experiences that bring you happiness. That's part of the real joy.

      Happiness is a state of mind. When you begin to accept your present state of life, know how you are going to develop, and be ready to enjoy every moment of this process, happiness will come to you. You know how to be happy and feel that you have plenty of time and money, enough love, and anything else that will help you achieve your goals. When you feel that you have everything, that is the real contentment.

      If you want to be happy, you have to choose it. You need to focus on the thing itself to make happiness happen. But if you always think that if you can accomplish something, you will be happy, and you will never be happy because you have not learned to "smell the roses around you." Ironically, when you are happy, you will inevitably be more successful and more likely to have more than those who "cling to everything".



      Every day of your life, it is important to take the time to “smell the roses” — to appreciate the experiences that lead to happiness. This is part of being truly happy.

      在你生活中的每一天,花些時間“聞聞身邊的玫瑰”是十分重要的 —— 停下腳步,品味那些帶給你幸福的經(jīng)歷。這是真正快樂的一部分。

      Happiness is a state of mind. It starts with accepting where you are, knowing where you are going and planning to enjoy every moment along the way. You know how to be happy, and feel that you have enough time or money or love or whatever you need to achieve your goals. And just feeling that you have enough of everything means that you do indeed have enough.


      You have to choose to be happy, and focus upon being happy, in order to be happy. If you instead focus upon knowing that you will be happy if you achieve something, you will never be happy, as you have not learned to “smell the roses”. The irony is that when you are happy, you are inevitably more productive, and far more likely to achieve what everything-seekers are seeking.



      There lies in the heart of every man and woman a quiet hunger:a longing for an earth shaking significance.


      It can be heard in the quiet, most unedited times like when our head hits the pillow duanwenw.com at night. As the pressures of the day fade away the voice catches our attention: “I was meant for more than this, there has got to be something more.”


      Many people have learned to accept a life of quiet resignation, committed to maintaining the status-quo. But still, in the times we least expect it, we hear that distant call again: a call for meaning, purpose, passion, significance. It continues to haunt us, to stalk us, and as we try to silence it with reason and maturity we find that indeed, it is a fire within our bones and it will not yield.


      Our suspicions are correct. There is a larger story and we have a role to play in it. It has been said that what a man does during his life shall echo throughout eternity.


      If you are ready to find your purpose, find the voice. Go back to the places that you have heard it duanwenw.com most clear. For some it comes in the early morning, before the cares of the day have drowned them out. For others it comes through music, or movies, or books, or it is found on a walk through the woods or on the side of a mountain.



      Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come." - Unknown

      If your life isn't where you want it to be, change it. It's what successful people have done for thousands of years. You may currently be struggling and frustrated with your life but it's not going to stay like this forever, that is, unless you don't do anything to change it.

      The best time of your life may still be ahead of you but it won't just magically show up, you have to create it. It's in your power to create whatever future you want for your life. Even if your best days are truly behind you, you can still have plenty of great days ahead of you if you decide to make it so.

      Instead of letting circumstances control and defeat you, use them to push you into action so that you can change your present situation. Bad times aren't going to last forever but if you want more great times ahead of you instead of just good times, it's time to start doing things that will make that a reality… it's time to work toward your ideal destination.


      You are Absolutely Unique Enjoy that uniquenesss1. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else. You were meant to be different. Nowhere, in all of history, will the same things be going on in anyone’s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours right now. If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap2 in history, and something missing from the plan for humankind. Treasure your uniqueness. It is a gift given only to you. Enjoy it and share it! No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one can speak your words. No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort others with your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding to another person. No one can be cheerful and light-hearted3 and joyous4 in your way. No one can smile your smile. No one else can bring the whole unique impact of you to another human being. Share your uniqueness. Let it flow out freely among your family and friends, and the people you meet in the rush and clutter of living, wherever you are. That gift of yourself was given to you to enjoy and share. Give yourself away! See it! Receive it! Let it inform you, move you and inspire you! You are unique!


      你是獨一無二的 請欣賞你自己的獨特吧!你不用偽裝自己以使你看起來和別人一樣,也無需掩藏你在別人看來所具有的獨特性。 你生來與眾不同,F(xiàn)在你所擁有的思想,靈魂,精神是任何時刻、任何地點的其他人都不曾擁有的。 如果你不存在了,那么上帝的作品中就有了一個缺憾,歷史也不再完整,人類發(fā)展也有了缺失。 珍惜你所擁有的獨特性。這是上天給你的`禮物,請欣賞并學(xué)會分享它。 沒有人能像你一樣樂于幫助別人。沒有人能像你一樣表達自己。也沒人能夠表達你想傳達的意思。沒有人能用你所特有的方式來安慰別人。也沒有人能夠像你一樣善解人意。沒有人能像你一樣感受快樂、無憂無慮,也沒有人能像你一樣微笑?偠灾,沒有人能夠把你的特性展示給其他人。 分享你的獨特性吧!盡情地將你的獨一無二展示給其他人,英語短文不管是你的親人和朋友還是你在紛繁復(fù)雜的生活中所遇到的路人。請欣賞并分享上帝給你的這份獨特的禮物吧。釋放你自己! 感知它并且接受它! 聽從你的獨特性,讓它影響你、感動你并且激勵你前進! 你是獨一無二的!



      It is not easy to think positive thoughts when the world around you appears to be so negative. In fact, it can be as difficult as anything you’ve ever done. However, it is absolutely possible to fill your mind with positive thoughts no matter what the environment is. Doing so makes you powerful like nothing else can.


      To think positively is to alignyourselfwith1 the truth that you’re immersed2 in limitless, growing abundance. To think positively is to pleasantly accept that your life is full of meaningful and unique achievements.


      Instead of placing a judgement on your situation, apply your most positive purposes to that situation. Instead of seeing the world as negative, see yourself as a powerful agent of the positive possibilities.


      If you find yourself giving in to negativity4, you are selling yourself short. The moment you feel the slightest pain of a negative thought, stop and remind yourself how powerful you are. Do the intentional work of keeping your thoughts positive. Because whatever you always think is where your life will surely and steadily go.



      It’s December, so most of the year is now behind us. But there’s a new year coming up, which will give us time to live, to love, to give, and to make our dreams come true.

      Everyone in this world has a dream: a passion, a vision in their life that pulls them and urges them to move forward in life. You, my friend have this vision with-in you. It "whispers" to you sometimes, but in some cases, it cries out. It cries out to be listened to and acted upon because this vision comes from your soul.

      Within this "Inner Vision" there lies the magic of living your life with passion, fulfillment and purpose. This means being true to who you really are —and living your life on purpose with all the passion and energy you are capable of living.

      When you live from your inner passions, you’ll never have to seek agreement from others —you’ll be the master of your own destiny. More importantly, you’ll feel whole, connected and inspired.

      Find your inner fire, your sense of purpose; this fire will help you harness strengths you’re not even aware you have. Be connected with your inner passion and live that passion daily.


      Life is difficult。


      It is a great truth because once we truly understand and accept it, Then life is no longer difficult。


      Most do not fully see this truth。 Instead they complain about their problem and difficulties as if life should be easy。 It seems to them that difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or else upon their families, their class, or even their nation。


      What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one。 Problems, depending duanwenw。com on their nature , cause in us sadness or loneliness or regret or anger or fear。 These are un— comfortable feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain。 And since life causes an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy。


      Yet, it is in this whole process of solving problem that life has its meaning。 Problems are the serious test that tells us success from failure。 When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve。 It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn。 As Benjamin Franklin said, those things that hurt, instruct。 It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems。



      Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another; good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humility, nor is largeness and justness of view faith. Philosophy, however enlightened, however profound, gives no command over the passions, no influential motives, no vivifying principles.

      Liberal Education makes not the Christian, not the Catholic, but the gentleman. It is well to be a gentleman, it is well to have a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, dispassionate mind, a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life--these are the connatural qualities of a large knowledge; they are the objects of a University; I am advocating, I shall illustrate and insist upon them; but still, I repeat, they are no guarantee for sanctity or even for conscientiousness, they may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked out in them. Taken by themselves, they do but seem to be what they are not; they look like virtue at a distance, but they are detected by close observers, and on the long run; and hence it is that they are popularly accused of pretense and hypocrisy, not, I repeat, from their own fault, but because their professors and their admirers persist in taking them for what they are not, and are officious in arrogating for them a praise to which they have no claim. Quarry the granite rock with razors, or moor the vessel with a thread of silk, then may you hope with such keen and delicate instruments as human knowledge and human reason to contend against those giants, the passion and the pride of man.



      文科教育并不造就基督教徒抑或天主教徒,而是造就了紳士。造就一個紳士誠為美事。有教養(yǎng)的才智,優(yōu)雅的'情趣,正直、公正而冷靜的頭腦,高貴而彬彬有禮的舉止--這些是與淵博的學(xué)識生來固有的品質(zhì), 它也是大學(xué)教育的目的。對此我提倡之,并將加以闡釋和堅持。然而我要說的是,它們?nèi)匀徊荒艽_保圣潔,或甚至不能保證誠實。它們可以附庸于世故的俗人,附庸于玩世不恭的浪子。唉,當(dāng)他們用它偽裝起來時,就更增加了他們外表上的冷靜、快活和魅力。就其本身而言,它們似乎已遠非其本來面目,它們似乎一遠看的美德,經(jīng)久久細察方可探知。因此它們受到廣泛的責(zé)難,指責(zé)其虛飾與偽善。我要強調(diào),這絕非是因為其自身有什么過錯,而是因為教授們和贊美者們一味地把它們弄得面目全非,并且還要殷勤地獻上其本身并不希冀的贊頌。如若用剃刀就可以開采出花崗巖,用絲線即能系泊位船只,那么,也許你才能希望用人的知識和理性這樣美妙而優(yōu)雅的東西去與人類的情感與高傲那樣的龐然大物進行抗?fàn)帯?/p>


      This is the best kind of multitasking! Whenever you get a little, give a little. There's a couple ways to pull this off: You can implement it yourself (donating an older shirt when you splurge for a new shirt, etc), or support companies that are passionate, good-hearted (really fun) do-gooders.Doesn't get much better than that, does it?


      Jin dynasty there was a general called zu ti. His military strategy, loyal patriot, is a highly respected person.

      Zu ti, however, when I was a child was a naughty boy. Reading kung fu, he only likes to play around all day.

      Zu ti grew up, see national decline, year after year, day of the people is very hard.However, he has little strength, and shallow knowledge, what also can't help you.

      In order to change the present situation of the country, zu ti start strenuously to study, study hard, learn a wealth of knowledge from the book, learning very well.Zu ti also often go to the capital of luoyang, the learned person to consult. People all know him said: "zu ti is the backbone of the country in the future."

      In zu ti 24 years of age, he was recommended to him, but he felt his own knowledge is not enough, there is no promise, but continue to study hard.Zu ti have a good friend called Liu Kun, he like zu ti, all hope to pacify the war, make country strong, and let the people a better life. Every time two people together to talk about the affairs of state, will unconsciously when it comes to very late, just on a piece of bed.

      The next morning, they can practice kung fu jian together, prepare themselves to serve the motherland in the future.

      One day in the middle of the night, zu ti heard the chicken calls, in his sleep and got up to Liu Kun said: "the rooster in told us to get up, now is to practice sword?" Liu Kun readily agreed.

      Since then, zu ti and Liu Kun convention, hear chicken calls his sword to get up every day. No matter hot summer winter, rain or shine, never interrupted.Everything comes to him who waits, after a long period of hard practice, zu ti and Liu Kun become can write good articles, and plotting to win victories wenwu all-rounder.

      The chickens in the story tells us: only through unremitting efforts, success is possible. We learn from zu ti and Liu Kun yo!



      What is your most ideal day? Do you know exactly how you want to live your life for the next five days, five weeks, five months or five years? When was the last best day of your life? When is the next?


      The best day of our lives is today. The past is no longer here. We cannot enjoy it any longer. To dwell on the past is to waste the opportunity to enjoy the present. The future is a promise, a time that will not come because what we have is only today. When tomorrow comes, it will not be tomorrow any more; it becomes your today. You cannot enjoy tomorrow unless you know how to enjoy your today. If you are to live thirty more years, you are going to experience 10,950 todays. But every day that passes without your notice is a day cut off from your life. Your life is a day shorter every new day.


      Each day is a decision to live. Today is a gift; this is why it is called the "present". How you use this day is up to you. At each new day, you decide whether to unwrap that gift, or let it stay in the corner and spoil. Each day is a decision to live your ideal life.











